Monday, June 17, 2013

Baby Platypus

That is exactly what I see when I look at my ultrasound! Ha ha.

Anyways, I went to my ultrasound appointment. She changed my due date to February 2nd. Which is kind of annoying because I really hoped I would be further a long then I thought and they would move my due date to a sooner date. I guess It's only 2 days...but still.

Oh, and because I lied to my doctor about knowing when my last period was, at the top of the ultrasound it says that I am 14 weeks and 6 days. But really I am 7 weeks and 1 day according to this ultrasound...7 weeks and 4 days according to the first day of my last period.

I think it is going to be another boy. Even though I desperately want another girl. This pregnancy has been a lot like my pregnancy with Carson. I will probably end up going to fetal fotos when im 13-14 weeks to find out the gender. Im so impatient. Ahh. I can't wait until I start showing. I am constantly so bloated and I cant suck it in so I just look like a chubbo. Blah. I just want my nausea to go away, I can deal with looking like a heffer. Heaving 24/7 I can not.

My next doctors appointment is July 3rd. I'll try to update then :)

Monday, June 10, 2013

Dear "morning" sickness...I hate you

THIS IS AWFUL! I hate feeling like this. Im debating on getting a prescription for some nausea medicine. The only down side is that it makes me SOOOO tired. Like unable to function tired. And that's just not possible with Kaydence & Carson running around terrorizing my house.

Anyways...I went to the Doctors on Friday, everything went well. I weighed 137 I think. So I've lost a few lbs! Woo! I really dont want to gain a ton of weight like I did with Kaydence. With her I gained 50 Lbs. With Carson I only gained 13 and was under my pre pregnancy weight the day after having him. So that Is my goal this time. DON'T BE A WHALE!

My plan worked! Ahhhahaha...I told them I had no Idea when my last period was so that they would have to do an ultrasound. I have one scheduled for the 17th!! I know that I was exactly 6 weeks on Friday but she told me that my Hcg levels where really high if I was only 6 weeks. So I'm wondering if It is twins. It's probably not because I secretly WANT twins. But it's a possibility!! :)

I'll update again after my ultrasound in a week!!!

Thursday, June 6, 2013


Why...why did I want to do this again?! Ughh, i forgot how not fun pregnancy can be. I feel like CRAP! If i don't eat I get shakey and weak feeling. If i do eat I get bloated and sick to my stomach. So fun.

Anyways...I got a flyer in the mail from my doctors office yesterday and it said that they only do in office ultrasounds Mondays and Thursdays, so I called first thing this morning to try to reschedule my appointment since it is on a Friday and the lady told me that I will schedule a ultrasound after my appointment with the nurse practitioner tomorrow. So hopefully I will get an ultrasound next week!

Here is a picture of my bloat. Ha ha. Kaydence was my little photographer. It only took like 7 tries for her to get a picture with my entire body in the frame that's not blurry!

5 Weeks 7 Days


Monday, June 3, 2013

Baby, Baby, Baby..Ohh

On may 23rd I found out I was pregnant! I'm so so SO excited. I want another little girl so bad, but I'm sure it'll be a boy. Which would be fine of course, but the thought of having 2 boys terrifies me! When Carson was younger he was so calm and quiet, I absolutely was not expecting him to have such a big personality! He's a wild man. He goes into spider man/ninja turtle/super hero mode and there is no stopping him. He fights everything. He climbs everything. He jumps off of everything. It's never ending. I love him to death but he's a headache and a heart attack waiting to happen.

Kaydence isn't a innocent little princess. Her favorite thing to do is wrestle with her cousins, Braxton & Jayden. She loves the dirt, and playing with potato bugs. She plays super hero's with Carson WAY more than she plays with any of her barbies or babies. But when she is not being a "Tom Boy" she loves when I curl her hair, loves when I let her wear a little bit of blush and some lip gloss. She changes her clothes like 4 times a day, she's obsessed with painting her finger and toe nails.

I want her to have a sister to be close with. I didn't grow up with my sisters, and they where a lot older then me, but everyone I know that has a sister is BEST friends with her. Kaydence really want's a little sister too. She is convinced I'm having a girl. She already refers to the baby as a she ha. It's going to be hard telling her it's a boy if that's how it turns out. Ha ha

My first doctors appointment is on June 7th! Im way excited, but I think it's just going to be like family history and blah blah with the PA, then at my next appointment I'll see my actual Dr. At my first appointment with Kaydence I didnt get an ultrasound, but I did with Carson, I really want to get a ultrasound this time so just to be sure...Im going to lie! Ha ha, dont judge me. Im just going to say I have no idea how pregnant I am or when my last period was. That way they HAVE to do a ultrasound to find out. Hopefully my plan works!!

I'll try to update after my appointment Friday! Hopefully I'll have an ultrasound!!